We are a housing authority that provides housing support to help uplift our community with clean and safe public housing subsidized by United States Department of Housing of Urban Development. Eligibility is determined on annual gross income, family composition, and US citizenship or eligible immigration status. To determine income eligibility we use standards that are set each year by HUD and are unique to our area based on family size.
Important Announcements
New Website
Welcome to the new website for Sterling Housing Authority!
Online Applications
You can now apply online. Look below for more information!
How to Apply
Potential applicants can submit an online application via our online portal! You will need important documents for all household members, including birth certificates, social security information, and all income information.
Once your application reaches the top of the waiting list, you will be called into the office for an interview
Online Portals
Tenant Portal
The Tenant Portal allows tenants to view their current balances, make online payments, fill work order requests, transfer documents, and keep their contact information up to date. Tenants can also view important announcements from the authority.
To use our online portal, you must first register for an account below:
If you’ve already registered for our portal, you can login below:
Update Contact
You can change your contact information without logging in below:
Applicant Portal
Applicants can utilize the applicant portal to keep their contact information up to date, transfer important documents, and check their status.
To use our online portal, you must first register for an account below:
If you’ve already registered for our portal, you can login below:
Update Contact
You can change your contact information without logging in below:
Check Status
If you’ve applied for housing, you can check your status below:
Contact Us
Phone: (620) 278-2640
After Hours Work Order Emergencies
If there is no answer, leave a message.
This number will not be answered during normal business hours.
Address: 220 N. 3rd Street
Sterling, KS 67579
Office Hours
Open to the public:
Monday & Friday
By Appointment Only
Tuesday – Thursday
9:00 am – 12:00 pm & 1:00pm – 3:00 pm
Closed Saturday and Sunday